VIII. Awards
The Association presents awards at the Annual Meeting to Chapters and individuals in recognition of outstanding accomplishment,
achievement and performance. Standards and procedures for selection, application instructions, entry forms and deadlines for
awards are in the Awards Section of the Chapter President's Notebook and on the website,, under
on-line forms (Members Only section: user name - najaweb, password – chapters).
Once a Chapter has won as award for a project, it cannot be re-submitted for three years. Awards pertaining directly to projects
are as follows:
Brodie Crump, the first President of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc., the Louise Eskrigge Crump Child Welfare Award
reaffirms the underlying NAJA purpose of working with children. It is presented annually to one Chapter per population category for a project judged to be
outstanding in its contribution to the well-being of a child, children or family.
It may be a new project or an old project reaching its peak of effectiveness
the year.
MARTHA WISE AWARD (1970) The Association established
the Martha Wise Award to honor Executive
Secretary Martha Wise and to encourage Chapters to search for community needs and to demonstrate
how these needs may best be met. The award given by population categories and is given for an outstanding new project initiated during the current year.
The project must provide a community service that builds a better community and a stronger Chapter; must demonstrate initiative, ingenuity and imagination
in searching
for needs in the community; and must meet the requirement of a Junior Auxiliary Project as defined in the Standing Rules of the
NATIONAL FOCUS AWARD (1988) National Focus Awards are
given to recognize Chapters that sponsor
outstanding projects pertaining to the National Focus. Awards are given
in two
categories per population category: Outstanding Original Project New to your Chapter and Outstanding Existing Project.
PUBLIC RELATIONS AWARDS (1989) The Public Relations Award
for Service recognizes Chapters for
outstanding public relations in promoting a service project and/or their
through the media. The award is designed to encourage Chapters to make public relations a major area of concern. The flow of communication
and information via the
media to the public explains the Chapter Program of Service, generating
interest and support for Junior Auxiliary. The award is granted by population categories.
NORMA DELONG EDUCATION AWARD (1995) The Norma DeLong Education
Award is given to recognize outstanding Chapter education programs and/or projects. This award is in honor of Norma DeLong, Executive Director
from 1984 to 2000, and is given by population categories.
MAG AWARD (2004) The Association established the MAG Award in
2004 to honor Executive
Director Merrill Alexander Greenlee. This award is presented to a Chapter or Chapters whose Provisional Class develops an outstanding or unique project
that exemplifies the spirit of Junior Auxiliary in dedication and service to the community. The entire
Provisional Class must participate in at least one aspect of the Project.
The Project
must be new to the Chapter and be completed within the fiscal year of the Chapter.